电影 · 2022 · 印度 · 剧情
KamalK.M. / KunchackoBoban / Vinayakan / JojuGeorge / DileeshPothan / SunilAnnur / ShineTomChacko / MasterDavinchi / BittoDavis / JamesEliya / NithinGeorge / Gopalan / Indrans / Jagadish / SudheerKaramana / SanthoshKeezhattoor / 玛摩缇 / 普拉卡什·拉贾 /
The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All
电影 · 2013 · 不丹 / 中国香港 / 斯里兰卡 · 剧情
宗萨蒋扬钦哲诺布 / 莎哈娜·高斯瓦米 / RuvinDeSilva / RohitRaj / MohamedAdamaly / DhanushkaNilaweera / DeveshRanjan / KaushalyaNavaratne / PankajPawan / ChinthakaFernando / SwethekieMunasinghe / GeetaChandran / MaximusAlles / KushanWeerasuriya / YashodhaSuriyapperuma / SwaroopaGhosh /
电视剧 · 2023 · 巴西 · 欧美
João Assunção / Caio Cabral / Antonio Carrara / Klara Castanho / Breno Ferreira / João Guilherme / Alice Marcone / Bruno Montaleone / Nila / Lucca Picon / 卡米拉·凯伊霍兹 / 玛丽安娜·希欧斯 / Maisa Silva / Matheus Troiano /
In this new season, 30-year-old Anita needs to go back to 15 to try to fix her sister's life. Howeve